What does daycare cost me?
As prospective parent or parents, of course, you’d like to know the costs of childcare at Kindergarden. The childcare rates can differ per location so select your desired location in our calculation tool. You will see this option once you’ve entered your child’s age.
Good to know:
- Our rates include diapers, food (including a hot, freshly-prepared lunch) and all other items your son or daughter needs, including pacifiers, bottles, sleeping bag, etc.
- Our locations are open eleven hours per day, between 7.30 am and 6.30 pm.
- We invoice a fixed amount every month, resulting in an average price per hour.
- You can also add extra fifteen-minute periods between 7.00 am and 7.30 am and between 6.30 pm and 7.00 pm, or add additional days on an ad hoc basis.
- The monthly amount you pay excludes the extra fifteen-minute periods and/or extra days.